Monday, April 6, 2009

The Barbarian Way

When I was a senior in High School I read this book by Raphael Erwin McManus. It was titled "The Barbarian Way" and it changed my life for the time being. However its hard to maintain good change these days. I was looking through my old Bible a while back and found some note cards I wrote on. They reminded me of some values I gleaned from the book and reminded me of honestly how crappy a Christian I've been lately. The whole purpose of being a barbarian is having a raw untamed faith that lets God work in and through you. Neither of which I have been doing efficiently if at all as of late.

So heres a few of the things I'm relearning and trying to re-implement into my life.

The Barbarian Way is about Love, Intimacy, Passion, and Sacrifice.

Barbarians Love to live and live to Love.

Barbarians are guided by the wind of God and Ignited by the Fire of God.

"Unleash the Untamed Faith within, live life The Barbarian Way."

"Fight for the Heart of your King!"

"Live Life with no Reserve, no Retreat, and no Regret."

Have an "Untamed Primal Faith."

"Dont just be a Believer, be an Experiencer."

"Being a Disciple was never intended to be the equivelent of being molded into a steriotype"

I hope that these little nuggets will either encourage you in your life, or encourage you to buy the Book "The Barbarian Way" its a good read. Definately worth your money.

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