Thursday, April 30, 2009

Get the HELL out of your HOLY Huddle.

So there are few things that really get me going but I gotta vent a little on this one. Before I get started offending people let me put a disclaimer. *This is NOT directed at ANY specific INDIVIDUAL or ANY specific GROUP!!!* This is just something that in the future if I feel I have the authority to say so I will speak out against it and restore anybody that does it gently and with Love. However I wont let it stand anymore.

Holy Huddles, we've all got them and we find comfort in them and they build us up when used correctly. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. However if that gets in the way of your ministry or your fellowship it needs to stop and it needs to stop now. I'll try to pull some examples from different scenarios I've personally experienced so that you can see it from a few different angles in a few different settings.

To start lets get one premise set, in our Christian meetings whether it be Church, Youth Group, a Campus Fellowship, or some form of Church function (i.e. a pot luck or picnic or information session) we typically have some form of Ice breaker or meet and greet or games or something that the objective really is to build community, and through building community with the people there we build community in our _____________ <<<< Insert church, fellowship, club, youth group, whatever.

Lets take meet and greet for instance we do that at the campus fellowships I've been to, and my church back at home does it. So heres what you're aiming for...... Pastor or person directing the flow of the meeting says something to the effect of "Meet someone you dont know" or "Get up and shake someone's hand". Alright well lets pretend that we as Christians arent perfect and that doesnt quite happen... Lets say person in charge says their line and then this happens.....

(*Disclaimer again* I'm talking to myself too, if i were in a room preaching this to a group of people I would leave a seat open on the front row in the middle to represent where "I am sitting" to show the image that I need to learn this stuff too I'm no better than anybody. I'll also use myself as an example)

I turn to my right say hey to my Girlfriend because thats easy and I enjoy getting hugs as it is, so thats easy..... however I know her very well ... at least I'd like to think I do. Then I turn to my left shake Dannys hand...... ok hit the people in front of me and behind me, thats easy it varys from week to week but its still comfortable. Then I sit down.....

Heres what wrong with that picture if it didnt jack you in the face yet, I DIDNT MEET ANYONE! 5 minutes ago we had first time guests raise their hands and we said "Hey Thanks for coming out! We're glad to have you here!" WTF IS UP WITH THAT!?! (WTF - stands for What The Friggincrap and yes Friggincrap is one word) Now there obviously would have been a couple of people who would have gone over and introduced themselves which honestly is what I try to do but even that is a little shallow, we need to let people know we want to invest our lives in theirs because when they get that, understand that and, experience that they will want to be a part of what we are doing.

Honestly this is just a short blurb of something thats been eating me for about a year and a half now. So if you catch this, feel its valid, and think it can benefit your _____________ <<<<< (Insert - Ministry, Church, Fellowship) Pass it on to your friends or Church Family. Again this just a blurb and if you wanna know more about my heart on this matter email me and we can talk or if you're in Charlotte/Banner Elk we can do that in person but I know one thing for sure. I'm not gonna get to heaven and have God ask "Why did you want to be comfortable in your clique, when it would take a second of awkwardness to breakthrough to a lifetime of friendship and benefit?" Maybe its just me but I'm not into letting God down. Do us all a favor, and Get the HELL out of your Holy Huddle.

to be continued at a later date probably....


Heather Gibson said...

Hey I saw this on your facebook and I would have to say I agree. I took my boyfriend, his younger brother and his sister to the Christmas Eve service at church and was very disappointed. My boyfriend and I were visiting his parents and spent all day going to churches trying to find one that would be welcoming to his brother and sister (they had never been to church before). We thought we had found the perfect one, but by the time the service rolled around, people were downright rude! They didn't introduce themselves to us (even the people right in front of us) and the preacher made a point of stating that nonmembers should become members or they were living a lie! Needless to say, his brother and sister were really turned off by the idea of church in general and he and I had to spend the entire car ride home explaining that that isn't really the way churches are supposed to be. It was depressing!

Anonymous said...

I have to say I agree as well, but i'm very guilty of not going out and meeting new people. It's def a thing I need to work on. And probably something I should work on fast... new IV or campus ministry I'm going to find at app. Very nice post man I give you props for having the "moxy" for posting this, it takes alotta guts to post something that's not so "feel good" but like I said above I completely agree.