Tuesday, May 26, 2009

He washed their sins away too.

So I've been faced with a few situations in the past week or two and they havent been easy and are far from over. I cant really go into specifics because that would be unfair to the other people involved but heres the gist of whats going on.

*Disclaimer* The person I describe here Isn't anyone I know but I'm sure it could be a real situation somewhere.

Lets say that I befriended a guy and for a good week he's seemed like an upright fellow (or fella as we say in Avery County) but then come to find out hes murdered someone. Now, my initial reaction is: Get away, stay away, and you live. That is bad.(not in every situation but in this one it is) My initial reaction is to go on the defensive, and protect myself which in turn I would bottle up and probably not talk to this person anymore.

At this point somebody has read and said "Thats a valid reaction you should protect yourself, and your friends by being defensive and not being vulnerable." Now let me tell you what you dont know. This man, this Murderer as society has labeled him wasnt a Christian when he killed someone. But now he is a blood bought saint of the most high God.

Does that excuse what he did and make it right? No. But does that mean we condemn him for the rest of his life? No again. While what he did may have been wrong, what he is now doing (which is trying to live a righteous life, one after God's own heart.) covers his past fault and I should look at him as God does.

The point of all this is, I know that by God's Grace I am forgiven, but I dont always remember that by that SAME Grace, so is everyone else who accepts it. I confess, sometimes I dont honor my Mom like I should. Everytime I dishonor my mother I might as well be killing someone, lying, stealing from the poor, or {Insert any sin here, try your sin because all sin is equal, even though we've developed ranks in our society}. So try to Love people through their imperfections, bad pasts, and shortcomings. It will more than likely be hard to start off with, but as time goes on I believe it will become easier and strengthen you as a person.

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