Thursday, May 28, 2009


I had a conversation with Caroline about a year ago. It wasnt a normal conversation per say but it was fruitful for both of us. Caroline seemed to be a little down and being the nosey boyfriend that I am I pursued an answer. That is when Doubt came into the picture.

Caroline said "I don't know why but sometimes I just doubt God, I want to be as strong as people like you and Aaron but sometimes I just Doubt." That is when I responded and strongly enforced the idea that I Doubt sometimes too. This came as a surprise to Caroline, which was kind of encouraging because I guess it seems like I have it all together. (guess what I don't) Anyways We started talking about Doubt and how it can effect you. It can wear you down and tire you out.

We then started talking about why we believed in the first place and how we believed. The Verse Hebrews 11:1 came to mind and has been a big encouragement ever since I first heard it in High School.

Hebrews 11:1
Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cant see.

So if you've ever Doubted or are Doubting right now take heart in that verse. Sometimes having faith is hard but the best way to hold onto God's future promises, is to remember his past Faithfulness.

Also food for thought, before I was saved Satan never told me I wasnt saved, he never tried to make me Doubt. That only began After I got saved. Maybe its just me, maybe theres a connection there. But again just food for thought.

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