Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Magnitude of what you Say

Magnitude: Extent of dimensions; size;

Yesterday morning at Church was a bittersweet time. It was the commissioning service for my friend and mentor Durl. Hes moving for at least a year and we had a commissioning service for him. During the first service I was given the liberty of sharing a 3 minute testimony of how Durl impacted my life. This was a very hard thing to do because he had done so much in the past 10 years hes been here at Mt. Calvary.

As I was sitting towards the back I started to get a little nervous, which is weird for me because I never get nervous when talking to people really. If you know me I like to talk and I'm not very bashful. But for some reason my gut was just wrenching. I didnt know why I felt this way and then it hit me. I fully understood the Magnitude of what I had to say. I was trying to compress 10 years of impact into a 3 minute mini-testimony.

I delivered my testimony after we prayed for Durl and Jaime, and it went fine. I hit very quickly on the big things that were very evident in what Durl had done in my life and for me. Of course with limited time comes the "Oh I should have said" or "I could have said" or "I wish I had said"s but the more I thought about it giving my testimony about Durl's impact was a lot like Giving my testimony about how God shaped and changed my life. That sick to my stomach feeling I had when getting ready to talk about Durl was the same feeling I used to get when I talked about Christ just on a lower level.

I started thinking shouldnt I always get that feeling when sharing about Christ with others? And the answer to that question by the way is yes. But how? I think that I should treat every opportunity with the urgency that I treated yesterdays situation. But first and foremost I should understand the Magnitude of what I am trying to say and the message I am trying to convey.

The Message of God is one that shouldnt be taken lightly. The Magnitude of the Gospel is so high that we should carry it out with the utmost urgency and care.

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