Tuesday, February 24, 2009

If I'm not Writing. I'm not Learning.

The concept is simple. If I'm not avidly seeking to expand my knowledge then theres no way I could write on it. So that very well means that if this blog goes a month without being updated maybe I'm just incredibly busy, but more than likely I'm just not in the word. Or I dont have my whole heart in it. and hopefully if thats happening theres somebody heckling me till I get back into the game.

You may not "Blog" I do just because it works for me. I dont journal or anything like that because I feel it kind of senseless to writing something in a book because it just sits there. If I blog at least I get to hit send and its going somewhere. So this might not seemingly apply to you but maybe blogging isnt your thing, but I would encourage you to take notes or have a prayer journal or just journal in general to look back on what you've been learning so you can re-apply it later on.

Also make sure you have someone or multiple people to hold you accountable for your quiet time and your personal life. Aaron Peters keeps me in pretty good line when it comes to my personal life and though we're both a little shaky on reminding each other to be in the word we at least still remind each other. Caroline keeps me in line the rest of the time when it comes to school work and anything else for that matter. Its good to have accountability in your life as well.

And for the record I have just been busy the past week with tests and such. I've been reading more into "A Man After God's Own Heart" and I restarted reading (because I hadnt picked it up in so long) "The Myth about a Christian Nation". Both good reads so far. Maybe later on in the week I will post a book list of good books I've read. (I say that like I read a book a week or something.... I dont but I have read a few good ones.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having someone to support you in being a Christian is very important if we are going to stay on track. If we don't have any help or encouragement we tend to stray from what we need to be doing. It is something we can all be thankful for when we have someone to encourage us to stay focused.
