Friday, February 27, 2009

Book List

I'm back in my hometown till Saturday Night so I'm taking this quick break I'm starting my recommended book list.....

- "The Barbarian Way" Its by Erwin McManus, and its about having an untamed "barbaric" (in a good way) faith.

- "Seizing your Divine Moment" also an expanded, revised, and retitled (is that a word?) more recently to be titled "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus.

- "Wild at Heart" By John Eldridge, A kind of live your life to the fullest book but very impactful.

- "The Myth about a Christian Nation" by Gregory Boyde. I'm currently reading and its very good and whether or not you agree with the author it at least makes you think and evaluate what you label as "Christian". For the record when he preached a sermon series at his church about the premis he wrote the book on, I believe a tenth of his congregation left, but he says hes more concerned with the Truths of God, than your happiness. (again a hard read no necesarily for its pages but the things it makes you think about.)

- "I Sold my Soul on Ebay" by Hemant Mehta. Very good book changed my life in how I think about Church and reaching the unsaved. A definite must read for any Church leader or anyone that wants to reach others for the Kingdom.

-"A Man After God's Own Heart" by Jim George, another I'm currently reading through. Shows great principles for being a man of God.

*More to come but I'm at home and dont have my books here with me.*

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