Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm sitting here in my Special Education class, and the teacher is talking about Stereotypes. Since I'm ADHD I started to think about stereotypes of the church..... This reminded me of a 4 part sermon series that a church in Raleigh, NC once did about misconceptions of Jesus check out the videos if you havent already. They're quite comical http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDSj8sv0uKs (*Notice* These are misconceptions of Jesus he isn't like that.)

The videos speak volumes about multiple different views people have of Jesus, which insto-facto (no thats not a real term, and yes I stole it from a movie.) can lead people to believe things about the church that are far from true.

It was funny yesterday, I walked by a table that was set up on campus and they handed me a flyer, and I just so happened to have about 8 Elevation Party Bus cards with me in my backpack so I made a trade.... I took their flyer and gave them all my Party Bus cards the 3 girls looked over a card and put the rest on the end of their table. The girls were also kind of taken off guard that someone would be so outgoing and nice about Church. They said "Thats a really cool idea with the Party Bus and even cooler that a church would support it. (John will appreciate what I thought next.) "Take that Devil." *moderate fist pump included* Elevation is breaking stereotypes such as "Church can be fun and cool." however its also facing stereotypes such as the "Megachurch" and all that comes with being huge.

In closing, I feel the Church has a lot to work on in a lot of areas but I think it would be wise in this world today to clear up some of the bad stereotypes that are looming over us not necesarily first but in due time. Because we need to eliminate some stereotypes in people's heads before they will even begin to listen to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing to clear up stereotypes with as much as you are able to. It is also a good thing to seek the truth about Jesus and the church. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.

*May Jesus bless you*
