Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quick side note

In my desires to impress John, I also realized this. This man is a spiritual leader in my life now. I desire acceptance from him and I wish to impress him. This is a constant feeling so far and it has not ceased.
That being said, why on earth do I not always feel the same about my relationship with God? ... I'll say it again... Why on earth.... would I desire to greatly all the time acceptance from a Man, yet more times than others Fail to keep current in reading my bible? or even worse Communicating with the Creator of the universe?
Just food for thought. Its something I have to work on. Maybe you don't struggle with it but for now I do, but we're making progress.
As Steven Furtick said in one of his more recent sermons. "Between the Promise and the Product there is a Process."


Anonymous said...

I've been there before, I had a mentor at one time and I always couldn't wait to see him and talk about God and fellowship with him. God used him as a pivotal character in my life to draw me unto repentance.

John Bishop said...

You're in good company struggling with the desire to be accepted. I would bet that Timothy wanted to be accepted by Paul, and I certainly desire to be accepted by Pastor Furtick. I believe I read John 5:44 last Thursday what I may not have said is that this verse very challenging to me when I first stumbled on it a few years ago. Seeking the praise of man can be good practice for seeking the praise of God if we don't let it get out of control!

Unknown said...

it seems as though you are in that quintessential quintessence of your life when you muse the very decisions which could invariably make you the very person you may indeed come to be one day... e.g. will I watch the Price is Right today?